Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homeschoolers and Public Sports

Homeschoolers and Public Sports
By []Dave Buckley

Many parents who decide top homeschool their children do so knowing that many factors go into their decision, one of which is that their children would not be able to participate in the sports offered in public schools. Tim Tebow the popular quarterback who was homeschooled and allowed to play on his high school football team where he excelled and went on to great things at the university of Florida has inspired homeschoolers to try to play sports in their area. There is even a bill in Richmond Virginia named for him the Tim Tebow law if passed, House Bill 947, will allow homeschoolers to play sports at a public school.

But it is not that easy there are many people who would object to homeschoolers that are allowed to play public sports alongside students who need to meet certain grade and behavior requirements to play. They even suggest forming their own leagues and teams or joining other associations outside of public schools, church groups, YMCA, or other athletic clubs. Many parents of public school students question the fairness and hypocrisy of wanting their children on public school teams, these parents spurned the school because it was not good enough for their children and now only want to participate in certain aspects.

Successful Homeschooling Stories

Successful Homeschooling Stories
By []Leonard Forbes

In order to judge an educational program, you have to see first if the students excelled. One of the factors that made homeschooling popular nowadays is the fact that many and many children are showing excellence in different fields while attending homeschools.

One story was published by Sandra Frederick in Palm Coast News-Tribune on 1999. It was about a Palm Coast teen who got the highest possible rating on the Scholastic Aptitude Test which he took earlier in June of that same year.

The score he achieved even astounded the Boards because as they mentioned, it will be a rare feat to surpass it or even to level it.

Dan Skelly was a homeschool student since 2nd grade.

Homeschooling and Socialization

Homeschooling and Socialization
By []Mandy McCormick

Homeschooling, in spite of its growing popularity and acceptance, is still facing some issues. Some of those issues are quite valid, while some are not, and there are also others that are quite debatable. One of those lingering issues is about the supposedly negative effects that homeschooling has on the social skills of children who are educated through this system.

The issue of socialization is a very serious one, considering the importance of proper development of social skills in any individual's life. And when a whole educational system is being questioned about its alleged or supposed negative effects about socializing, it has to be considered very seriously. It is also important to note that this belief has been made and supported by professional educators. However, if it is analyzed any further, it would be proven to be something that's entirely untrue.

What has served as the basis of the belief that homeschooling affects the development of social skills is that those who say so feel that school is the sole place where kids have any chance of learning and developing social skills. To a certain extent, school does help in the much needed development of social skills, but kids who are home-schooled also have opportunities that are not really available to kids who go to a regular school.

Home Schooling Numbers Increase Steadily

Home Schooling Numbers Increase Steadily
By []Mike Ramidden

More families each year are taking their children out of public schools and home schooling them instead because the parents believe that their children can learn better and faster without the many distractions and negative influences that are part of the package with public school environments.

Even though it is often viewed by those in the mainstream as revolutionary or eccentric, the trend toward home schooling is growing and is gaining in popularity and respectability and is winning over an increasing number of supporters.

According to researchers who study such trends, the numbers of home schoolers in the U.S. has swelled considerably, growing from approximately 15,000 back in 1970 to over 500,000 by 1990, and estimated at over 1.1 million as of 2003.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homeschooling and Their Advantages

Author: Jane Lim
Advantages Of Homeschooling – Here Is Why Your Child Will Benefit From It
Are you interested of homeschooling your child? I hope you stick around, because I will be sharing with you a few advantages of homeschooling. In my opinion, your child will greatly benefit from homeschooling compared to being part of the usual education system. By the end of this article, I hope you will have a better idea of the advantages, so without further ado, let me get started!

Homeschool Transcripts and Public Schools

Author: smanuva123
Two families, two students, same question, same answer.

A mom called me for transcript help.  Her daughter homeschooled for two years, using Alpha Omega LifePacs and Weaver Curriculum for 9th and 10th grade.  Once her daughter got up to grade level, she wanted her to go back to public school.  She asked me how to get her homeschool transcript accepted by a public high school.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Home school and college admissions

Home school and college admissions

Author: Sunil Punjabi
A home schoolers college education becomes a question mark without a transcript. During recent times, college admission process for home schoolers has become easier. Nowadays, even the finest of the universities do not demand a high school diploma or a transcript for giving admission to a suitable and deserving homeschooler.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Your Calls Worked! House of Representatives Votes to Protect Homeschool Military Enlistees
William A. Estrada, Esq.

Last week, we asked you to call your U.S. representativeand ask him or her to support the bipartisan Kline-Hunter-Andrews-Polis Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This amendment was to ensure that homeschool graduates who wished to enlist in the armed forces were not required to score higher on the military’s initial enlistment test than public or private school graduates.
Thanks to your calls, the amendment was unanimously added to the NDAA. It was included in the final bill that passed the House last week and was sent to the U.S. Senate. Your calls made the difference!

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Homeschooling Decision; How the Lord Changes Hearts and Minds

Author: The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
The Homeschool Decision: How the Lord Changes Hearts and Minds
By Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor
'We know without a doubt it is God\'s calling . . . . We homeschool just as we breathe.' This was just one part of a response from the question of how one family was led to homeschooling. As I asked the question of other homeschoolers, I was incredibly encouraged and overwhelmed with the rich answers that were given. Although all the answers were very different from one another, they all pointed to one God Who orchestrated every event in their lives to bring them to make one of the most important decisions they could ever make—that of home education.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

9 Easy Steps: High School Graduation Checklist

Author: Lee Binz
Aim for College

Parents can provide a college preparation during high school for every student, which can benefit every child. If they ultimately don’t go to college, then your homeschool education will be the only education they get. Make it great! They’ll be well prepared for life and their civic responsibilities. Plus, if they ever change their mind and decide to go to college, they will have a much easier time getting in. On the other hand, some parents know early on that their children are college bound. For them, a college prep education can influence the quality of the colleges they get admitted to. College preparation can benefit everyone!
Plan Courses

Friday, March 8, 2013

Homeschool High School Checklist

Homeschool High School Checklist Homeschool High School Checklist
By Karen Stafford
As a college-bound homeschool student, or as a parent of a homeschooled senior there are some things you should be considering right now. Planning ahead can mean less worry later!
1. Make sure you take the ACT or SAT immediately if you have not already done so. Give your student several practice tests before the actual test date.
2. Put finishing touches on transcript. There are templates available on-line or in books, however, you can design a transcript using an Excel spread sheet and achieve a very professional looking document. Get creative! Remember, you have to take your homeschooling experience and make it "fit" the public school's description. Use real life experiences for high school credit. For instance, if your daughter helps with meal preparation and planning, give it the label "Homemaking class."
3. Include any other information with your transcript that puts a positive light upon your student's homeschool experience: a reading list of classical literature and historical selections, class descriptions, and text book titles and authors. High school achievement test scores are also a wise item to include since they add an official look to your transcript.
4. Begin making application to colleges you are considering. Most colleges offer academic scholarships based upon ACT/SAT scores and high school GPA. The deadlines to apply are usually between Dec. and Feb., so check now to see if your homeschool student qualifies. If your test score is not high enough take it again! Most students raise their score by several points when they retake the ACT/SAT.
5. Make plans to file your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as soon after Jan. 1 as possible, which means getting your tax information in order now. This filing will largely determine your student's financial aid package: whether he qualifies for a Pell Grant, for state grants or an institutional grant.
Karen Stafford is the homeschool mom of five kids ranging in age from 11 year old twins to an 18 year old college freshman. Homeschooling has been a way of life for ten years. You can visit her blog to receive homeschool encouragement at, or you can also seek homeschool book reviews and top curriculum picks at [].
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Official as well as Accredited Home school Transcripts – What's the Difference

Author: Robert Browns
Have you possibly wondered about the main difference between an "accredited" and an "official" homeschool transcript? A mother got in contact with me because she was assured her son could play on a private school baseball team - IF he moved into that school's Independent Study program. The school said he needed an accredited home school transcript from his 9th grade year to establish that he is in the 10th grade this year. The mother was under the impression that his work was accredited by her. The school disagreed and explained they could examine his transcript from last year for $50 per credit hour.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Accredited Vs Independent Homeschool

Author: Marvin Wallace
I was looking at an accredited homeschool program the other day, looking for "messages". At first I was very fascinated. Then I read the information. Let's do a little compare and contrast.
"Each curriculum package is individualized" - but they only use the textbook/workbook/school-at-home learning. That's not a really high percent of homeschoolers' selected plan.