Monday, August 31, 2015

Age-Appropriate Considerations When Choosing Homeschool Textbooks and a Curriculum For Homeschool

Age-Appropriate Considerations When Choosing Homeschool Textbooks and a Curriculum For Homeschool
By []Christine Harrell

If you've made the tough decision to homeschool your children, the next difficult decision is choosing a curriculum for homeschool. As homeschooling has become more mainstream, the number of homeschooling supplies available has exploded. How do you know you've chosen the right one? Whether you're looking for preschool, elementary, junior high or high school homeschool textbooks, here are some things to consider and evaluate before choosing a curriculum for homeschool.

Preschool Homeschool Textbooks

Monday, August 24, 2015

Homeschool Roadblocks - Four Traps to Avoid

Homeschool Roadblocks - Four Traps to Avoid
By []Camille Rodriquez

Homeschool families love what they do. They love the freedoms that are afforded to them. They love the fact that they can suit their homeschool program to fit their values and objectives, and they love the flexibility to do so on their schedule. However, there are some common traps that homeschool families need to be on the lookout for in order to ensure that they meet their goals with integrity, value, and purpose and that their students have an easy access to post-high school options. Several of these common traps can easily be avoided with a little attention to scheduling and accountability.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Used Homeschool Curriculum - Seven Ways to Save You Money, Time, and Costly Mistakes

Used Homeschool Curriculum - Seven Ways to Save You Money, Time, and Costly Mistakes
By []Susan Marra

Homeschooling is a multi-million dollar industry, but the truth is that most families who are homeschooling are living on a tight budget.  With the average family spending $600.00 a year per child for curriculum purchases, homeschooling can be hard on a family's budget.  Buying used books and curriculum can save you 25% to 50% or more off the cost of your curriculum, saving you money to use elsewhere for your children's education. 

Seven Good Reasons to Buy Used Homeschool Curriculum. 

Whether you have plenty of money, or are trying to save money wherever you can.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to Set Up a Home Classroom and Curriculum For Homeschool

How to Set Up a Home Classroom and Curriculum For Homeschool
By []Christine Harrell

Deciding to homeschool your children is a decision many families struggle with. It's a difficult choice to make and families may decide to homeschool their children for many reasons. Families may choose to homeschool to provide children with one-on-one lessons and attention, for religious reasons, to allow children to learn at their own pace, or for many other diverse reasons. Once you've decided to homeschool your children, your next step is to find a curriculum and homeschooling supplies.

Setting Up A Homeschool Classroom

Monday, August 3, 2015

Back to School Savings

Back to School Savings
By []Cheryl Johnson

Back to school. Whew! What a relief.   Although I don't look forward to the school supply lists and shopping in preparation for the big day, I am grateful for the peaceful days that lay before me.   I love my kids, but don't love those long summer days playing referee to numerous sibling conflicts between three teens and one pre-teen, each individually determined to have the day go their way.

Two and a half months later I'm ready to all but  push them out the door to go back to school!  But really, I have to congratulate the kids.  That no-one suffered severe injury during all that head butting is truly a miracle!  Safely surviving the summer, they now get ready to bravely walk the halls of peer scrutiny.  Hard to believe that they could actually be excited about it.  But, they are, as they have always been each year before, eagerly anticipating the big day.