Easter for Home Schoolers: Why Christians Don't Celebrate Passover
Author: Mimi RothschildMost Christian home school students will tell you that the origin of Passover can be found in the Old Testament book of Exodus. The term Passover comes from the Jewish word 'Pesakh' which means 'passing over'. During a 400-year period of bondage out of which Moses would soon lead the Jewish people, The Jews were commanded to kill a sacrificial lamb and spread the blood of this lamb on the doorpost of their home. This blood would alert the Angel of Death, who would then pass over the house. Families who did not have blood on the doorpost would be punished with the murder of their firstborn son. Each year, this event was celebrated with The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which referred to the week in which the Jews ate only unleavened bread or 'matzo'.
Foreshadowing Christ\'s death, the blood of the sacrificial lamb would one day be eclipsed by the blood of Jesus Christ himself. Christian home school students no longer celebrate the Passover because the death and subsequent resurrection of Christ removes the need to sacrifice an animal to atone for sin. Christ\'s sacrifice was an eternal atonement; his blood replaces the need for the lamb\'s blood.