Monday, March 9, 2015

History Of Saint Patrick's Day

The Fascinating History And Powerful Message Of Saint Patrick's Day

Author: Tobin Crenshaw
While leprechauns are ubiquitous, children are regaled with tales of banishing snakes, and adults sit back to drink green beer, the truth is that Saint Patrick suffered much, inspired much and taught the world some of the most timeless principles about love and life.
Saint Patrick (385-461 A.D.) was taken into slavery as a teenager. During that time his comfort came from above as he often prayed a hundred times a day for God\'s presence. Several years later a voice called out to him, 'Ship is ready.' Escaping from his slave master in Ireland, Patrick would travel seventy miles to the coast to find a ship waiting for him at the dock. Finally free, he sailed back to his home in Britain.

After a time of spiritual growth, the voice he once heard now returned in a vision in which the people of Ireland begged him to return to their country. At the time Ireland was a land filled with mysterious people that the Greeks had labeled 'Barbarians' because their strange language sounded like 'bar-bar' when they spoke. For Saint Patrick, it was a chance to return to the land of his captors and tell them about the love of God.
Using a shamrock as a way to illustrate the mystery of the Trinity, he and his followers would cross the country helping to build churches as entire kingdoms converted upon hearing him preach the gospel. His compassion and passionate faith literally changed the face of a nation.
He is credited with leaving one of the most moving prayers history has ever known:
Christ ever with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ to my right side, Christ to my left side
Christ in his breadth, Christ in his length, Christ in depth
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Saint Patrick\'s life and voice brought comfort to millions who learned the truth that Jesus is not just the Savior of sinners, but that he is the friend of sinners as well. His all encompassing love bids each of us to come and know the promise of 'Christ ever with me.'
Erwin McManus once shared about a time he dropped his reluctant son off at camp for a spiritual retreat. Once there his son almost got into a fight with another boy who teased him.
As Erwin sat with him his son told him, 'You said I don\'t have to do this church stuff if I don\'t want to. I am only sorry that I didn\'t get to him. I am going home.' For the next few minutes they packed up and loaded the car.
Standing beside the running vehicle, Erwin asked him, 'Is there a voice inside of you?'
'Yes,' his son replied.
'Can you identify it? What is the voice saying?'
'Yes, it is God. He is telling me to stay, but I am still going home.'
Erwin then told his son, 'You can treat that voice as sacred, or meaningless.' His son chose to stay.
Amidst the fun and celebration of Saint Patrick\'s Day, may we remember the love of God for each one of us, and perhaps pay a little more attention to his voice…and treat the message we hear as sacred.
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About the Author
A former pastor, Tobin holds both a B.A. and an M.A. in theology. Having traveled widely in the Marine Corps and as a graduate student, Tobin has spent the past 15 years gathering some of the world\'s most powerful life-changing truths. He\'s the author of \\'The Life That Is Really Life: How Biblical Truth Can Transform Your Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Relational Health\\' available at his website

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