Monday, September 24, 2012

Time Management Homeschooling – Some Useful Tips

Author: daniel rayfield
Homeschooling is simply not to educate your children at home and inculcate the best in them. It’s more than that! You need to plan and organize the curriculum for each of your child very efficiently and effectively. Moreover, there is very much a need of time management to cater the needs of each of your child. There are many factors that go into creating and maintaining a successful and effective homeschooling program. A poor time management can easily break the homeschooling program.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Socialisation Opportunities For The Homeschooled Child

Author: Melissa Murdoch
Perhaps the biggest concern your family and friends will express when you tell them that you are going to homeschool is how your children are going to learn to socialise with their peers if they are not in school.  This is a common fear, and it can be valid in some cases, but for most of the homeschooling families that I know, or have met, it is a misplaced fear.

Monday, September 17, 2012

What is a Homeschool Friendly College?

Author: Lee Binz
The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) does a wonderful job of explaining what it means to be a homeschool friendly college. Here is a link to that information: .

In general, a homeschool friendly college is one that treats a homeschool applicant the same as a public school applicant. Your child would be requested to take the exact same tests as any other student - more tests are not required of a homeschool applicant. Some colleges say they are homeschool friendly, when in reality they have "hoops" that we have to jump through. HSLDA has a rating scale for college admission policies here:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Choosing The Right Home Schooling Curriculum

Author: Sunil Punjabi
When researching curriculum for home schooling you will find there are many options available. If you are new to homes schooling, choosing home schooling curriculum may be overwhelming. Many parents who home school do not have a background in education or may work full time outside the home so need more support when choosing curriculum for their children. In this case, choosing a packaged curriculum will be the best option. With a packaged curriculum, everything will come included. The textbooks, tests, teaching aides, report cards, everything you need to successfully home school your children. Parents who are not able to devote all their time to the home schooling of their children will find this option very beneficial. Often, when using a packaged curriculum, you will have the support of trained and credentialed support staff to assist and answer questions when needed. You also have the option of enrolling your children in an online school so they are taught by teachers via the Internet.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What Are My State's Home Schooling Requirements?

Author: Preston Mane
As the standards of public education deteriorate all over the US, homeschooling children becomes all the more important for their future success and character development. Home schooling requirements as mandated by law vary from state to state. Many parents who are starting homeschooling for their child do not know of all the requirements for their state, and for such parents we bring to you this overview on state law requirements for homeschooling.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Finding Appropriate Homeschool Lesson Plans

Author: Ling Tong
Just like regular teachers, parents who home school their children have to prepare homeschool lesson plans. They need to have lessons ready in all subjects and if they have several children doing different grades, they may have a hard time being able to find the time to prepare all the different lessons for the next day. There are ways of getting around this that will make the job much easier.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Many Benefits of Home Schooling - 3 Reasons Why Home Schooling is Better

Author: Diana Jenkins
For parents, the choice of teaching your child at home is becoming an increasingly popular one. Although it is going to take a lot of work on your part to make sure that things go smoothly, there are some benefits of home schooling that will make it all worth your while. Here are three different reasons why teaching a child at home is better than allowing them to go through with the mainstream schooling.