Saturday, May 31, 2014

Summer Hobbies for Kids

Fun Summer Hobbies For Kids
By []Emma Darling

The most obvious hobbies for children to take up are sporting hobbies. Any sport makes a great hobby for a child, and through the summer they have the chance to really invest in one to get really good at it. A lot of parents want their children to do well in sports both in and out of school, and by encouraging a sporting hobby for the summer they'll accomplish both. Parents can even join in with their children and help them get better by playing with them every chance they get, be it on holiday or just on the weekends. This gives not only the child, but the whole family the chance to keep fit or get fit as a unit rather than individuals.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Fun For Kids

Summer Fun For Kids
By []Nikki Willhite

Summer can be a lot of fun for your family. However, in many cases, come August, moms are more than ready to put their children back in school. When the novelty of summer wears off, and the family vacation is over, the kids can get bored. They may get hot and irritable, and mom may have trouble coping.

The moms I've seen handle summer the best are the ones that have lots of activities planned for their kids. With that in mind, here are some of the things you can do in the summer to make it more enjoyable for everyone.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Break Workbooks

Why Elementary Workbooks Are Effective Learning Tools

Author: Randy Johnson
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Young children have the capability to learn at a rapid pace. In a sense, children are learning machines, constantly acquiring new knowledge as they see, feel, listen, discover, bang, talk, run, drop, poke, sing, rummage, break, and interact. At the same time, early learning develops the neurological connections in a child\'s brain, which shape their ability to learn for years to come. Because of this, the early years of education are integral to the future intellectual development of a child.
As scientists develop a better understanding of how children learn, methods of teaching are becoming more effective than ever. Many methods being developed are groundbreaking in their approach, yet some can also be costly. Interactive television, DVDs, and websites can all be engaging and effective resources, however, they can be expensive and therefore less accessible. One way that many parents find effective and economical is elementary workbooks.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Learning This Summer

Keep Kids Learning This Summer

Author: Matthew Sharp
Your child\'s education doesn\'t have to stop for two months, just because school\'s out. In
fact, summer offers many opportunities for learning and enhancing your kids\' abilities.
Here are some tips to keep your child learning throughout the summer:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Reading

Elementary Reading During the Summer

Author: Maria O'Keefe
I\'m a very hands-on mom to say the least. I\'m protective of my kids, always running around with a bottle of sunscreen during the summer and hats and mittens during the winter. And since the kids have been out of school for the summer, I was not about to let them slack off and not participate in educational activities. That\'s where Reading Rainbow came to play.
They have great episodes correlating to my kids\' elementary curriculum. I\'m not sure how many other parents are as worried about elementary reading skills as I am, but I wasn\'t going to let my kids fall through the cracks. Elementary reading is so crucial. If kids don\'t develop a love for reading when they\'re young, they won\'t really enjoy it as they progress through their academic careers. And I want my kids to love school enough to stick through eight years of medical school if they want.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Make-Ahead Food Ideas For Memorial Day

Make-Ahead Food Ideas For Memorial Day and 4th of July BBQ Picnics
By []Jane Doiron

Like many folks on Memorial Day and Fourth of July weekends, you might be making plans to go camping, or planning a BBQ, or even going somewhere for a picnic.

Whatever the event, if you are the one in charge of the meal planning and cooking, if time allows, please try some of my make-ahead food ideas before, so that you can have more time to relax and to enjoy yourself and your family on the actual day of the event!

Just because you are the one in charge of the planning and cooking, it doesn't mean you have to be busy doing EVERYTHING food-related that day. Consider these make-ahead food ideas:

Make-Ahead Marinated Chicken and Steak

Adding steak and chicken to the hamburger and hotdog menu is easy.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer is Coming! Time to Work!

Homeschooling Teens: Summer is Coming! Time to Work!

Author: smanuva123
I was doing a Bible Study on Work. I remembered all those summers with my homeschool high school boys. It\'s so important to teach a strong work ethic! Perhaps it\'s a good time to take a moment with your teens and reflect on these verses. These could be great for memory work and discussion topics before summer.
God created man to work (Genesis 2:15).
The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
God works (John 5:17) and we are created in His image.
Jesus said to them, 'My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.'
Work is hard (Genesis 3:19).
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground Work is satisfying (Ecclesiastes 5:12).
The sleep of a laborer is sweet
Work hard for the Lord (Colossians 3:23).
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Work is a key to a full life (Proverbs 13:4).

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Where to Start? Summer Jobs for Students

Summer Jobs For High School Students - Where To Start?
By []Thao Tran

Looking for a summer job? So is everyone else. Where should you start?

The first thing you need before looking for a job is a resume. It is best to ask your parents for help with that one. If you're on a worker's permit, you might need a few letters of recommendation. Make sure you look into that before going job-hunting.

What you can do right away is start networking. You need to get yourself out there and start talking to your friends, neighbors, counselors, and others to let them know you're looking for a job. You'll be surprised what kind of jobs you'd find. Another place you can look at is at places you or your parents usually shop. When you're at these stores, you can politely approach the manager and ask if there are any job opportunities available.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer Jobs for Students

Summer Jobs for High School Students - How To Encourage Your Teen to Join the Workforce
By []Adnan Masood

Are you the parent of a high school student? If so, summer is fast approaching. Many teens spend their summers hanging out with friends, but do you want something different for your child? Would you like to see them obtain a summer job? At first, your teenager might not be so keen on the idea. Keep reading on for some helpful tips that will encourage your teenager to get out there in the workplace:

Introduce Them to Jobs That Fit Likes/Hobbies

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Summer Lesson Plans

Summer Lesson Plans For Homeschoolers
By []Camille Rodriquez

If you are a homeschool family, chances are you have just about stopped working on school for the summer. Or, perhaps you are working on enrichment activities that will go on throughout the summer, but at a slower pace. Either way, you may be forgetting an important lesson plan that needs to be done for the summer months. If you haven't created your summer lesson plan, now is the time!

Summer lesson plans should include projects, either personal or homeschool related, as well as any unit studies or activities that have been planned. They might include vacations or homeschool conferences, trips with family or organizational changes around the home. Whatever you have included when you said, "This summer I'd like to..." then those items need to be listed. Create a simple list of these projects and activities and prioritize them. Which are the most important? Which will give the most value to your home? Etc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stop Summer Learning Loss

4 Easy Ways To Stop Summer Learning Loss

Author: Hannah McCarthy
While all kids invariably look forward to the summer as a time of fun and relaxation, away from the stresses of school work, it\'s increasingly believed that long holidays have a serious impact on their education. The phenomenon of \'summer learning loss\' is now widely recognised by the teaching profession as a matter of concern. Over the summer, kids forget on average about a month\'s worth of school learning, meaning teachers have to spend a significant part of the next school year bringing everyone back up to speed.

So, what can we do to combat summer learning loss? Schools are currently exploring the idea of five-term school years to reduce the length and impact of the summer break, but parents also have a big role to play. There are loads of simple ways to keep children stimulated and exercise their maths, reading and writing skills. Here are 4 easy-to-implement ideas for you to try out:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Delight Directed Learning

Delight-Directed Learning: a Homeschooling Natural for Summertime

Author: Tom Michael
Delight-directed learning necessitates helping your kids pursue whatever interests come naturally to them. If perhaps your kids have been aching to go to a health care camp, or dive into a new orchestra performance, that\'s delight-directed learning, which takes place naturally. Often this is most obvious in sporting activities. Our family did summer swim team. Other families will really dive into music and art.

Quite a few kids will do nothing but read books. I had a son who constantly had a book in front of him. A lot of kids will do volunteer work; they\'re really into being a candy striper at a hospital, and summer may just be their only opportunity to undertake that. Others really love working with children, so they go from vacation bible school to vacation bible school helping out with different churches. Other kids will do the majority of their projects like scouting or 4H.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Keeping Summer Fun and Educational

Keeping Summer Fun and Educational

Author: Ryan Carl
If you're wondering how to keep this summer educational but fun for your homeschooled kids without creating extra work for yourself as teacher, summer classes are a great idea to explore. Maybe you just haven't had time to squeeze in an art class and your child is really interested in art, or perhaps you've always wanted them to experience team sports, but it just hasn't fit into your school year--summer is the time! Perhaps you want your child to take a class to fill a specific hole in their learning. I talked to a mom recently whose child was not doing so well in their SAT math, and they decided that summer was a great opportunity to take an SAT prep class, because somebody else would do the actual teaching and mom would get a bit of a break. No matter your needs or your student's interests, there's sure to be an interesting class out there for you!