Monday, December 10, 2012

The Leading Prek-12 Online Christian Home School Program Provider

Author: Bobby Cole
Learning By Grace, Inc. is a provider of online educational solutions for Christian home school families. Through several online Christian schools offering PreK-12 curriculum for home schooling, Learning By Grace is changing the way people view education.

Founded by Mimi Rothschild, a veteran home schooling mother of twenty years, and her husband, Learning By Grace is dedicated to providing an affordable Christian home education to families all over the world. The home school curriculum used is comprised of engaging multimedia activities through etexts, workbooks, online education assignments, video, audio, interactive field trips, and so much more. By providing children with a quality home education, parents can take an active role in instilling Godly values in their children. With just a computer and internet connection, parents are now able to offer their children something more.
Because the Learning By Grace home school curriculum is so flexible, students are able to work at their own pace. Special needs students and quick learners both are able to achieve academic success by taking as much time as they need to comprehend the course material - no more, no less. Learning By Grace provides an alternative to the negative influences that permeate the nation’s public schools such as worldly thinking, humanist teaching, and moral relativism. Free from peer pressures, distractions, and a rigid educational formula, our home school students can pursue educational excellence.
Below please find a description of the different programs.
MorningStar Home Schooling
Home schooling parents get daily/weekly lesson plans for 180 days of home school curriculum, a calendar of assignments, transcripts, tests, quizzes, and progress. This takes a tremendous amount of busywork out of home schooling. When other home school parents spend the entirety of their Sunday’s hashing out the following week’s lessons, The MorningStar Academy’s parents simply review the pre-planned home school lessons. We view education as a partnership between The MorningStar Academy and home school parents. We take care of the busywork so that you can focus on parenting.
We provide an array of multimedia home school course materials in the form of actual books, videos, CD-ROMs, interactive online materials, workbooks, daily devotions, and group activities such as cybertrips, contests, and projects.
We provide a comprehensive selection of home school courses in elementary, middle or high school that cover most academic topics, including electives, of which you can choose up to 6 each year. These courses are fully accredited and give you credibility with your local school district as well as colleges. We provide high school students with a diploma and a GPA.
Your child also receives access to our Academic Counselors available online during school hours for an unlimited number of questions. This is an invaluable home school resource that prevents parents from having to learn higher level courses such as Trigonometry or German. Our teachers are subject matter experts so you don’t have to be!
You will receive ongoing, continual dependable support that will reduce stress and enable you to home school longer and more successfully. Our home school parents receive the partnership of an accredited and registered private institution committed to helping you provide a quality education for your family. All of our home school parents are included in a specialized community of online home schoolers where support, encouragement and resources are freely shared
Most importantly, we provide students with a spiritually enriching and Christ-honoring education.

The Jubilee Academy
We provide everything that the parent needs to successfully home school his or her child throughout the year. The Jubilee Academy Home School program is more than just a curriculum provider. In addition to your online home school curriculum, you gain inclusion in a network of support, access to several online tools and software applications that you can use to enhance your child’s home school education. Plain old textbooks simply can’t hold a candle to the multimedia adventures that await your child with The Jubilee Academy Home School program. With your tuition payment, you’ll receive all the online home school materials, tools, and access you need.
Most importantly, The Jubilee Academy Home School program is a complete, parent-led home school resource. The home school parent as teacher heads all classes and teaches all subjects, with guidance from Jubilee Academy Home School staff and the use of parent-password-protected answer keys. While many assignments are graded automatically, others are graded directly by the home school parents, enabling the parent to have control over their student’s grades, while also providing daily support and guidance to insure their student’s academic progress and ultimate home school success.

Grace Homeschooling
The Grace Academy is more than just a school. We provide a fully-featured educational framework that is changing the way that people think about education. Our cutting-edge technology allows parents to provide their children with a world-class private Christian education at a fraction of the cost of traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Unlike other homeschooling curricula, we do not just provide textbooks. We provide a variety of educational tools, materials, and services which homeschoolers all over the world use to achieve academic excellence.
The Grace Academy combines the control and flexibility of traditional homeschooling with the teacher support of a private Christian school online. It's a great solution for new Christian homeschooling families who need an alternative to the public school as well as homeschooling veterans who want to eliminate the mundane tasks such as lesson planning and grading to allow for more time for all the other jobs of parenting! With The Grace Academy, you get the best of both worlds!
For more information about Learning By Grace and the programs offered, read my blog at: Christian Home Schooling
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About the Author
Bobby Cole has been working with Learning By Grace for about 6 months now. I am very pleased with the letters that I have received from those who have read my blog and have shown interest in these programs. You can read more about this program o my blog at:

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