Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homeschooling and Their Advantages

Author: Jane Lim
Advantages Of Homeschooling – Here Is Why Your Child Will Benefit From It
Are you interested of homeschooling your child? I hope you stick around, because I will be sharing with you a few advantages of homeschooling. In my opinion, your child will greatly benefit from homeschooling compared to being part of the usual education system. By the end of this article, I hope you will have a better idea of the advantages, so without further ado, let me get started!

Reason 1: Flexible Teaching Schedule
With homeschooling, you have a flexible teaching schedule. You do not need to wake your child up at 7am every morning to go to school. You can schedule your 'lessons' as and when you want to. This flexibility will not only benefit your child, but it will also benefit you. Why? Firstly, you do not need to wake up at 7am yourself. Secondly, you have the chance to watch your child learn, and this is something you are deprived of if your child had to go to school. Thirdly, you can cater your curriculum to suit your child\'s learning style and pace. I will touch on the latter point in the next reason. Fourthly, this flexible arrangement gives you more control over how your child learns and the influences that affect your child.
Reason 2: No Rigid Curriculum
One of the other advantages of homeschooling is that your child does not need to be subject to a rigid curriculum or timetable. If you feel that your child is weaker at Math compared to other subjects, you can reduce the time for English lessons to focus on Math. This eliminates having fixed hours of learning per subject. This means that your child will have the chance of assigning more time to work on a subject without feeling any additional stress. This also means that both you and your child have more control over the latter\'s learning process.
Reason 3: Bond With Your Child
If you thought the previous two advantages of homeschooling were good, I believe this one is the best reason to start homeschooling.  While you are teaching your child, you have the chance to bond with him or her. This is definitely beneficial for family bonding. Here is your chance to develop a close relationship with your child while he or she is young. Many teenagers run away from homes because they were either not raised well or their parents did not develop a close relationship with them. That is why I believe this is the best advantage out of all that I mentioned earlier.
With that, I hope you now have a better understanding about the advantages of homeschooling and have benefitted from all that I have shared today.
There are many more advantages of homeschooling. If you have benefitted from my sharing, do visit my website at where I share advantages of homeschooling, homeschooling tips, homeschooling materials and much more!
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Are you interested of homeschooling your child? I hope you stick around, because I will be sharing with you a few advantages of homeschooling. In my opinion, your child will greatly benefit from homeschooling compared to being part of the usual education system.
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