Monday, June 16, 2014

This Is Why Summer Is The Perfect Time To Get Started On Learning Music And Dance Classes

This Is Why Summer Is The Perfect Time To Get Started On Learning Music And Dance Classes

Author: Melissa Homme
As spring rolls along, it\'s time to start thinking about what to do with those summer months. For kids, summer is the perfect time to relax and enjoy youth. For parents, it\'s a tough time to figure out exactly what to do with all of the new time the kids have! There will be ample time for beach days, vacations and play-days with friends, but summer is also a great time for kids to experience something new outside of the normal curriculum provided during the year. Music and dance summer camps provide a great opportunity for kids to learn a new skill and build an appreciation for the arts during their time off. For adults, summer provides a more relaxed environment to pick up a musical instrument or dance class.
Studies have shown that children can benefit from learning with friends and peers, the same type of environment that they have at school. This type of learning allows them to build social skills, talents and communication abilities. Summer camps focused around dance and gymnastics provide the same social elements found at school, but they are structured in much smaller groups that provide more interaction. It\'s easy for kids to sit in front of a TV or video games for hours during the long summer days, but getting them in front of a teacher who is energetic and exciting during a summer camp is a great way to continue the learning process outside of school. As kids learn dance, aerobics, gymnastics and performing arts, they are having fun outside of the school environment but are still learning the basics of following directions and challenging their minds and bodies. Summer camps also provide the much-needed exercise that children should get during the year. Not only can children benefit from dance camps during the summer, but adults can benefit from taking dance classes during this time of year too.

When summer comes, we all tend to slow down a little bit and enjoy the nicer weather. This gives adults a great chance to try some new talents or boost their current talents in dance and music. summer classes tend to have less students, so you can get the workout you desire and learn the techniques you want to know, with a smaller class and a little less pressure. While we always provide a comfortable teaching and learning atmosphere throughout the year, there is just something about June through August that makes everyone feel a little more relaxed! Many of our music students like to get started on lessons during the summer. This way when the fall rolls around, they are comfortable with their teacher and ready to get into more complex music theory and playing. The best part about summer camps, dance classes and music lessons is that we all understand that summer hours need to be flexible, so there is no problem if you need to reschedule or take a break for a week or two. So as summer comes, take a second to think about what you want to accomplish or experience in the next few months, and try to add dance or music to those goals!
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About the Author
For more information on the benefits of summer camps in Santa Monica please visit Santa Monica School of Dance and Music to learn about Santa Monica music lessons and dance classes.

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