Monday, July 27, 2015

Back to School - Back to Reality

Back to School - Back to Reality
By []Danielle Line

So it's back to school time, which for most of us Moms that means back to reality. I don't know about you, but this summer has been quite an adventure for my family and I. Vacationing was very limited for us this year due to the state of our economy and it's effect on our pocket book. It made vacation planning pretty tough and I spent a lot of time searching for the best deals everywhere we wanted to go. Fortunately, even with a super tight budget we were able to enjoy some really great places this summer like New York, Miami, San Diego, as well as numerous days spent at good ol' Zuma Beach. Oh how nice were the days of relaxing on the beach and reading all the latest gossip magazines. Now that back to school is here it's time to get not only the kids, but yourself focused on the new school year ahead and off of the vacation schedule. Here are some helpful tips to make this the smoothest transition possible.

#1. Check before "Back-to-School" shopping: August is known for being the second largest sales month for retailers everywhere and most retailers begin their back to school sales in July. So needless-to-say it's smart to shop during that time, but are you truly ready then? A little word of advice I live by:

"An informed shopper is a savvy shopper"

so always be prepared before you shop.

-Start by assessing each child's back-to-school clothing needs.

-Empty drawers and closets of outgrown or worn-out clothing, and either store or donate the discards.

-Clean and organize clothing storage before adding any new garments.

-Create a "  rel=nofollow back-to-school wardrobe needs" list for each child.

-Discuss the "needs list" and your budget with your children before you shop and you will avoid any in-the-store tantrums that may occur.

The same goes for back-to-school supplies. Be sure to ask the school for a classroom supply list before shopping for school supplies. Again with the back-to-school sales beginning in mid-July, last minute shoppers may have a tough time locating needed supplies for their children so shop early.

#2. Create a Calendar Board: The school year is filled with a large variety of activities and it's easy to become overwhelmed if all of these activities are not listed in one central location for the entire family to review.Nothing will calm the school year chaos down more than creating a calendar board. This board should be for all family calendars, schedules, after-school activity flyer's, school programs, and whatever else you feel pertains. Buy just a basic cork board, add a pre-printed white board calendar to it, place in a central location in the house and you are on your way. This is the biggest step in creating organized family time management and a stress-free school year. Remember form is less important than function so choose a calendar format that works best for your family.

#3. Ease into the "Back to School" schedule: During the summer vacation we all tend to fall off of our typical school year schedule. We tend to stay up late and wake up even later. To help everyone in the family start off the school year with a bang, 2 weeks prior to the first day of school start going to bed at the time you would on a "typical" school night and wake up each morning as if you were waking up for school. This will help get the entire family back on routine so that first day isn't so stressful and the kids are well rested for their first day back.

The new school year definitely quickens the tempo of family life so I hope that some of these tips will help bring a new focus and pleasant harmony to your home. Remember less stress leads to better health and happiness for all.

Happy Back-to-School!

Danielle Line, Plus Size Model and Guest Writer for

Article Source: [] Back to School - Back to Reality

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